Intrepid Award Announcement for Timons Esaias March 2024

A Magazine of
Intrepid Fiction

Stories about alarmingly individual (typically) honorable characters who fight, struggle, love, fail, risk everything, shoot for Mars (or Mississippi), and OVERCOME.

Intrepid Stories Are:

Entertaining Gutsy Emotional High Conflict Well-Crafted [bold, daring]

Our Latest Additions:

Flash Fiction

Short Stories


About Us

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We pay authors because they deserve compensation for their expertise. See Submissions Guidelines for pay rates and more.

We’re pleased to offer editorial services because our jobs as authors can be lonely sometimes. Our editors give great craft advice!

Intrepidus Ink nominates stories for awards such as Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, and others.

We cater to a diverse audience and respect everyone’s ambition to write and publish fiction. We welcome all voices within the genres we accept.

Please follow us on Twitter and Instagram @intrepidusink.

We’re glad you’re here and are excited for you to read and share our magazine with others.

Thank you for submitting Gutsy Words to Intrepidus Ink.

Fearlessly yours,

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EIC, Intrepidus Ink, LLC

Submit your story

Fill in the form below to submit your story.

*We accept all categories of fiction, including genre and literary fiction, with the exception of horror, children's literature, erotica, nonfiction, and poetry.
Flash Fiction: 300 — 1000 Words.
Short Stories: 1,500 — 2,500 Words.
(*Submissions outside these guidelines will be rejected)
(Microsoft Word .doc or .docx document formats)