Perfecting flash fiction for the marketplace takes time, patience,

and feedback from those you trust.

But…when writing is a lonely job, where do you get help?

Send your stories to us!

We give great advice.

Intrepid authors seek feedback, knowing the process sharpens skills.

Our professional and experienced editors are waiting to steer you toward solutions to help your story shine.

We’ll consider your flash stories of 300 -1,000 words for publication but never guarantee publication. Short story editing coming soon.

Chase Away Your Lonelies. Why Wait?

Submit your story

Fill in the form below to submit your story.

*We accept all categories of fiction, including genre and literary fiction, with the exception of horror, children's literature, erotica, nonfiction, and poetry.
Flash Fiction: 300 — 1000 Words.
Short Stories: 1,500 — 2,500 Words.
(*Submissions outside these guidelines will be rejected)
(Microsoft Word .doc or .docx document formats)