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Greetings! PLEASE CLICK on the SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Icon Below for Details About Word Counts, Pay Rates, Genres, Contracts, and More!

Our process is challenging. Competitive. Stories navigate a multi-step process to publication.

A story must speak to us, exemplify intrepid culture, and potentially delight readers.

A tall order.

Give Us Gutsy Words. Fascinating Words. Alarmingly Individual.

The fighters, the curious, those who win against the odds. The intrepid.

That’s what we want. Emotion.


Write stories just for us.

But first, read our stories and watch the video (again :-).

THIS IS A SUMMARY ONLY. Please click on Submission Guidelines under “The Rules” below to read about word counts, pay rates, contracts, and more. (FYI we reject word count busts unread.)

We explore intrepid culture: our stories feature four elements in every story: danger, struggle, emotion, and OVERCOMING.

Our stories are intrepid first and not subordinated to other themes. 

We welcome many genres and writing styles, including literary, speculative fiction (science fiction & fantasy, literary sf), action and adventure, romance, magic realism, historical fiction, and others. We love odd, quirky, experimental stories and humor.

We aren’t a horror or dark fiction market because we promote fearlessness. See more under Submission Guidelines below.

Please help us respond to every author by using the William Shunn format (minus address).

What are you waiting for? Go for the gutsy! 🙂

Click on Submission Guidelines below for complete details. 

Best Small Fictions

The Rules


Listed at Duotrope

Listed at Duotrope

Submission Guidelines for Flash Fiction and Short Stories:

  • Flash Fiction 300 – 1,000 words; Short Stories 1,500 – 2,500 words (firm). 
  • Unpublished Work Only: Story cannot be published anywhere online or publicly, including social media, community writing sites, or personal blogs, nor may work be retitled from said sites. (We mean it.)
  • Simultaneous Submissions: Yes.
  • Multiple Submissions: No. Send one story; wait for a response, send another.
  • Reprints: No.
  • Format: William Shunn Modern Manuscript Format.
  • Response Time: Varies, but we’ll do our best to decide quickly!
  • Payment for Accepted Stories: $.02/word for flash fiction 300 – 1,000 words. $30 flat rate for short stories 1,500 – 2,500 words. Author signs an agreement upon story acceptance; Intrepidus Inc, LLC pays upon publication.
  • Rights: Author grants Intrepidus Ink first worldwide electronic rights, including one-month exclusive rights and non-exclusive archival rights for the magazine’s lifetime (online) in which the Work is published. Author retains copyright of the Work.
  • Please feel free to share your acceptance on social media after signing your contract.
  • Editing: We edit and proofread all work before publication.
  • Rejection Policy: A rejected story will remain rejected; please don’t resubmit.
  • Flash Fiction, Short Stories, Author Bios, Photos, Interviews, and Advertisements: Will be published online and on social media, including any or all of the following:, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, or Tiktok.

Submit your story

Fill in the form below to submit your story.

*We accept all categories of fiction, including genre and literary fiction, with the exception of horror, children's literature, erotica, nonfiction, and poetry.
Flash Fiction: 300 — 1000 Words.
Short Stories: 1,500 — 2,500 Words.
(*Submissions outside these guidelines will be rejected)
(Microsoft Word .doc or .docx document formats)