My Name is Andy
My bike’s brakes squealed; the wind blew away the sound, and browny yellow leaves battered me. The windows of her house watched me

The Shanty Man
Rachel sneaked aboard at six bells, deep in the night. The ringing masked her tread. The snores of the sailors cloaked her steps,

The Reckoning
I saw my first hanging in Wapping when I was four years old. My father swung me up on his shoulders so I

And Here’s What I Said
The fucker stole the phone right out of my hand. I was in the middle of writing you an annoyingly difficult text, waiting

Yesterday in Sand
I carve deep grooves into the face before me, loose sand falling to the ground in small red piles. The eyes stare back at me

V isha screwed the silencer onto her Glock-19 and rested its tip on the SUV’s steering wheel. She aimed past the windshield and fixed her

Imagine Dandelions
I magine Genesis, order from disorder. I sat on the sun-warmed tarmac with seventeen other female prisoners waiting to board

Crew, Yeah?
Y ou do this man, we crew, yeah?” I nod, but it’s lost in the shake that has taken hold of me. I try to

To Do
O n my desk, nestled among the chess pieces I use for paperweights, is a To Do list with a single entry.

Daphne and the Driftwood
“…Travellers ne’er did lie, though fools at home condemn them.” (William Shakespeare: The Tempest; Act 3, Scene 3) D aphne and Ari pulled up at

Grammar Black Market
O ne day after writing a blogpost reviewing a movie, I was sent a cease and desist letter in the mail. It explained that I’d

When Stars Scar
T he first smiting we saw was Trevor Wolfson on the local weather channel. His job was mostly to point at the radar and look